Tips For Mystery Party Guests

Thank You Notes For Your Host

As the holidays wrap up and the New Year sinks in, we’re more compelled to look forward than look back. But in terms of proper party etiquette, there’s one more quick look back we all need to make, and that’s to give thanks to those who wined, dined and entertained us over the holiday season. […]

Costume Ideas

  • Murder Mystery Party Costume Ideas and Tips

What to Wear to a Murder Mystery Party

Hosting or attending a murder mystery party is always thrilling, and half the fun lies in creating the perfect outfit for your mysterious character. Choosing the right attire can enhance your experience, making you feel [...]

Costume Ideas for The Mysterious Affair At Stirling Hall

Because The Mysterious Affair at Stirling Hall is designed to be played in the Regency (Georgian), Victorian or Edwardian era, the first step to deciding your costume is to find out from your host the era for which he or she are aiming. Regency (think Jane Austen) costumes are very different than that of the […]